Giorno: Agosto 15, 2018

Cosa vedere a Pistoia

What to see in Pistoia in one day, the Italian capital of culture 2017

If you are thinking of visiting Pistoia but you do not know where to start you are in the right place!

I visited Pistoia during a weekend where I had the chance to visit both Pisa and Lucca. There were some things that I really liked very much even if I could visit this city just for half a day.

Villaggio dipinto soutine

Chaim Soutine: her torment told in 5 absolutely unique paintings

Have you just discovered the strange works of Soutine and would like to know more about this expressionist painter?

Understanding the works of Chaim Soutine is impossible if it is not considered the historical period, the culture and especially the life of this tormented and jealous artist.


Villa Torlonia and its enchanted houses: a beautiful and unknown place in Rome

Would you like to discover one of the most beautiful parks in Rome and get away from the usual places full of tourists? Maybe I have what’s right for you!

There are some places in Rome that even the Romans not know. One of these, is Villa Torlonia, a real gem in the middle of a public park on Via Nomentana.


The style of Pierre-Auguste Renoir: the most beautiful works and its infinite sweetness

Are you in love with Renoir’s beautiful paintings too?

Perhaps you did not know it but Renoir’s art was born from the union of pastel colors and more intense brushstrokes. His style, absolutely unique, gives his works an extreme sweetness that can not fail to hit even the most critical observer.

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barcaccia piazza navona bernini

Gian Lorenzo Bernini: story of an artist and 10 undisputed masterpieces

Are you a fan of the incredible works of Gian Lorenzo Bernini? Rivers of words have been spent on this incredible artist and on his legendary antagonism with Francesco Borromini.

I’ll explain this genius of Roman Baroque showing you 10 of his most important masterpieces and telling you the most amusing anecdotes about his life.

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